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A Peek Behind the Curtain at Motobilt

If you come to often, then it's likely you know the name well. You've probably used the #motobilt hashtag a few times on social media. Could be (we hope) that there are even some Motobilt products bolted or welded onto your Jeep. Whatever the case may be, you've seen this more than a few times:

If you follow Motobilt on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, you know the name Dan DuBose, founder of the company. He keeps the content fresh, responds to comments and provides a steady stream of updates about new products. If you're a fan of Motobilt products, you should be following us on social media. 

You may have even seen the 'About Us' page, which gives you a bit of info on the company and shows you a few members of the team (including myself, down on the bottom right of the About Us page. I don't really draw circles that much, between you and me). But what you've seen so far is just a small part of what makes up the Motobilt team. You rarely see the welders, finishers, the people who run the 10kw laser or the CNC press brakes. These are the men and women who put in day after day of hard work making sure that before a product gets packed into a box to be shipped out it meets the Motobilt standards. 

Well starting today, that changes. I want you to meet some of those men and women, out in the warehouse, their natural environment. 


We'll be continuing to give you more of an inside look into Motobilt in the coming weeks with more photos, maybe even some interviews with some members of the Motobilt team. All of us here at Motobilt appreciate your business. You keep the shop running and for that, we thank you! As Dan DuBose has said on social media more than once, we're adding new products faster than we can keep up with. 2020 for Motobilt is the year of new things.

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