Jeep Beach in Daytona Beach, FL is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. The week-long celebration officially kicks off on April 23rd and lasts through April 30th, 2023. Jeep Beach is one of the most anticipated events for Jeepers across the United States; the event attracts thousands of Jeep owners, fans and enthusiasts in the jam packed event. One of the most popular events at Jeep Beach is the obstacle course. Jeep owners get the chance to test their vehicles' capabilities and push them to the limit on a specially designed obstacle course. It's always an adrenaline-fueled event, and spectators can expect to see some incredible stunts and maneuvers as drivers navigate their way through various obstacles.

Another highlight of Jeep Beach is the beach party. With live music, food vendors, and drinks, the beach party is the perfect place to unwind after a long day of off-road adventures. And speaking of off-road adventures, Jeep Beach offers plenty of opportunities to hit the trails, with guided trail rides scheduled throughout the week.
In addition to the events, there are also plenty of vendors at Jeep Beach. Jeep owners can check out the latest accessories and modifications for their vehicles, as well as other off-road gear and equipment. The vendor area is always buzzing with activity, and it's a great place to connect with other Jeep enthusiasts and learn more about the community. Vendor Village is open Friday and Saturday, all day.
In addition to the regularly scheduled events, this year, Motobilt, in partnership with Bruiser Conversions and JKLAND is hosting a Jeep Beach Official Vendor Party. Hosted at Ormond Garage, and dubbed, Thirsty Thursday, the party starts at 6:00pm and is sure to be an unforgettable evening of food, drinks, raffle items and tons of fun. Armbands are only $20 each and available at the door. All proceeds for admission and raffle tickets are donated to Jeep Beach 501(c)3 charities.
Overall, Jeep Beach 2023 promises to be an unforgettable event for Jeep owners and enthusiasts alike. With a full week of activities, from off-road adventures to beach parties and more, there's something for everyone at this annual gathering. So mark your calendars and get ready to head to Daytona Beach for one of the most exciting Jeep events of the year.
Motobilt, Bruiser Conversions and JKLAND are excited to greet you at Jeep Beach's Premier Vendor Party, Thirsty Thursday.