Do you have a custom full roll cage in your Jeep JKU? With a full cage install you can “chop” the B-Pillar for a clean look with the top and doors off. The Motobilt B-Pillar Chop kit for the JKU has an industry first cutting template laser cut from steel that is part of the kit. It lines up around the b-pillar to allow the installer to make the cut line with a very precise template.
The kit includes both the driver and passenger side b-pillar chop plates and templates. This is a raw steel product and requires welding to install. The difficulty on installing this kit might be a little more than the entry level DIY fabricator may want to tackle due to the factory thin gauge sheet metal and need to factory match the paint on the Jeep JKU. With this stated the install is straightforward. The color match paint can also be done by contacting a local auto paint supplier. Many of the auto paint suppliers can custom mix paint for you and put it in a rattle can. The cans they provide had a “button” on the bottom of the can that you pop to mix the hardener with the paint. They are not the color patch paint you buy on the paint isle in your local parts store.
Must Look!
YES your B Pillar bolts back on with hidden mounts behind the bracket for a super clean look when removed.
- 16 GA CRS Steel
- Laser Cut and CNC formed
- Cut Templates included for both sides
- Driver and Passenger Sides Included
- Gasket material
- Hardware
- Upper Cage Mounting Tab